Illegal Immigration is the act of living in a country without government permission. In most U.S. contexts, illegal immigration refers to the presence of 12 million undocumented Mexican-American immigrants in the United States. Lack of documentation is what makes illegal immigration illegal; Mexican workers, recruited by U.S. businesses since the 1830s, have historically been allowed by the government to cross the border to work initially on railroads, later on farms without interference. They mainly come from Mexico going into the U.S.
The impact is that they come from Mexico and take jobs of millions of American workers and they wonder why people can't get jobs. They took over and work for less so businesses think they're saving money till they get shut down cause they have too many illegal immigrants. And the cost of illegal immigration is nothing cause they just slip past the boarder and save some business some money cause they work for less.
I think its a problem because in the future I don't know if I'll have a job or not. Right now it's hard to find a job because you got all them foreign workers and most of them are here illegally. We aren't doing anything about it except trying to keep the ones that slip past the boarder in Mexico. But for the ones that are already here they will get to stay here. But most officials look the other way when they find out one of their most important corporations has hired illegal immigrants and they do nothing about it. And I think that they should go back to where they come from.
And my conclusion is I don't like illegal immigration. It's not our fault they don't have work where they come from. They should just stay there and suffer cause that's what they are doing to us. They come up here and take our jobs and we don't make money and go homeless and possibly starve.
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